Graduate Audit Associate
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
MSc – Accounting
The University of Sheffield
BA – Accounting and Financial Management
I am a fresh Masters graduate from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, majoring in Accounting.
All graduates in the Audit department are expected to learn and train “on-the-job”, and this mode of training enables me to develop necessary professional skills very quickly from my one-on-one mentor. My main responsibilities include examining management accounts of client companies, checking the validity of their financial records and advising them where changes should be made in order to comply with accounting standards.
Audit Associate
Hang Seng Management College
BBA – Accounting
I am a fresh graduate in Business Administration, majoring in Accounting. I decided to start my professional career after college at LLL as it has extensive experience in the audit and accounting industry and provides a one-on-one mentoring programme for graduates.
The reality of audit work is very different from what we learnt in lectures, requiring professional knowledge and experience. In the short few months since I have joined the company, I have learnt to complete my assignments much more efficiently and confidently with guidance from my mentor and colleagues.
Management Trainee
The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
BA – English Studies
I have always wanted a career in which I would be exposed to a variety of work. As part of the company in this unique role, I am glad to be assisting several departments and working on different projects every day, which expands my business knowledge and skills.
As an English Studies Graduate, my family and friends were surprised that I chose to work in a CPA firm. However, I have found my work to be challenging and wide-ranging. Besides dealing with internal projects to enhance our services, I also work closely with our clients and assist them in solving complex management issues, including performing tax consultation and business advisory services.
Management Trainee
City University of Hong Kong
BBA – Business Economics
Joining the company has provided me with an excellent opportunity to observe, to learn and to perform in a field which I am unfamiliar with so that I can broaden my skills set and fill in gaps in my business knowledge.
As a Management Trainee, I have to step out of my comfort zone and take on challenges that I am not familiar with. Since starting the programme, I have contributed to a wide variety of projects and sat in on meetings with clients. . I have supporting colleagues, supervisors, and seniors who always give me suggestions and encouragement to complete my assignments to high standards.
Audit Intern
The City University of Hong Kong
BBA – Accounting
I am glad to have been part of this internship, which has enabled me to gain deeper understanding of the audit and accounting industry by handling a wide variety of jobs.
Thanks to the patience of my managers and colleagues, this has been a valuable experience that equipped me with hard skills in both audit and accounting, and also enhanced my soft skills through discovering and improving my weaknesses. Although the internship lasted only for three months, the lessons and knowledge that I gained exceeded my expectations.
Audit Intern
The University of Hong Kong
BBA - Accounting & Finance
My internship at the company was filled with challenging audit tasks. Over the 3-month internship programme, I worked on audit jobs for different types of company, learnt to use a new audit system, and carried out audit work in the client’s office. I am grateful that the company has provided me opportunities in doing diversified tasks.
On top of that, the company provided different training, which equipped me with more advanced auditing and accounting knowledge. The training mentioned not only includes specific training sessions for interns, but also several audit review meetings. During the review meetings, the Managing Director would share more new knowledge to the interns. All of these have made my internship experience a valuable one.
Audit Intern
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BBA - Accounting
In this three-month internship, I am glad that I was assigned to many different and challenging audit jobs. I was responsible for preparing audit working papers and financial reports, which is a valuable experience for an intern. I am really thankful for the opportunity given by my supervisor and colleagues.
After starting our internship, there were several training sessions to equip us with the knowledge and skills that are essential for us to finish our tasks. The on-the-job training and guidance provided in the Audit department help me learn quickly.